Kamis, 04 April 2013


(Study: Human Relations Theory)

by: Maryadi

In communication studies, various theories are born with each having its own advantages and disadvantages. Among them is the Human Relations Theory. This theory includes a major discovery in the early 1950's. Aware of the importance of human relations theory of social needs, which emphasizes economic or human rationality. Human relations theory was pioneered new study in the field of group dynamics/community, where attention was focused not only on individuals, but also on the process and the dynamics of society. In the context of the mission, this theory can be applied to make some adjustments. For instance associated with the message or dakwah material presented. The selection of messages or dakwah materials should be emphasized to the interests of the market, or have to suit the tastes and demands of the market. A da `i need to know what to think, needed and desired by the community. Hence, it needs a more in-depth introduction to the mad `u or communicant of various aspects, such as geographic, demographic and psychological conditions. Submission of preaching messages that are not based on the consideration of community needs, according to this theory will only make the switch to another message more attractive and can give satisfaction to them. Then, communication and dakwah are different, but both are able to work together and contribute to a particular aspect in order to further enrich the integration of the concepts of each of these disciplines.

Keywords: Human Relations Theory, communication and Islamic communication

A. Introduction

يَاأَيُّهَاالنَّاسُإِنَّاخَلَقْنَاكُمْمِنْذَكَرٍوَأُنْثَىٰوَجَعَلْنَاكُمْشُعُوبًاوَقَبَائِلَلِتَعَارَفُواإِنَّأَكْرَمَكُمْعِنْدَاللَّهِأَتْقَاكُمْ ۚ إِنَّاللَّهَعَلِيمٌخَبِيرٌ
Meaning: O mankind, We created you from a male and a female and made you a nation - peoples and tribes that you may know each other-knowing. Verily the most honorable of you with Allah is the most pious among you. Surely Allah is Knower, Aware. (Quran,  al. Hujurat: 13)

Human nature as social beings is the desire to always live together with others in a group or society. No one in the world able to live alone without any connection or cooperation with others. Due to the limitations of human nature and since birth has been provided with an instinct to connect with other people. For example, a toddler need care and help her mother because she was not able to meet their own needs. Furthermore, he needs health care, education, and association. In Quran, al Maidah2, explainable: "... And please-help each other you in (doing) virtue and piety, and do mutual assistance in sin and transgression. And fear ye Allah, verily Allah is severe in punishment".
In communication studies, various theories are born with each having its own advantages and disadvantages. There are many theories about communication. Based on the past and an understanding of the meaning of communication, communication theory is increasingly evolving as the development of the use of information communication technology as a focus of study. The image communication multi-meanings and definitions, and multi-dimensional multi it certainly gives insight (outlook) are diverse as well, especially in conceptualizing communication as a theory or scientific study. In the next phase of its development as a field of study that is elective influence of other disciplines to communication sciences, especially physics, psychology and sociology are very large and very pronounced. This also gave birth approaches and insights that differ from each other in formulating a definition of communication as well as in research and empirical assessment. These differences bear two things are very important in communication theory. That is the birth of multiple paradigms and perspectives in the study of human communication. It is also not immune from digging Muslim intellectual thought in the field of science communication to bear communication theories in consderation of Islam
The theory is the principal means for expressing the relation of systematic social phenomena and natura want investigated. The theory is an abstraction of the meaning or relationship of the proposition or propositions. A theory is a systematic means of achieving knowledge. In other words, the theory of knowledge as clarify the rationale, as well as the theory may also lead to an investigation. Theory should probably be tested, accepted or rejected the truth.
In addition to the term theory in science there is another term that is sometimes communication always used simultaneously. Theory is often compared, equated, distinguished and interchangeable with the model. Uses and gratifications theory is expressed as a Model Uses and gratifications. The theory of diffusion of innovation Innovation Diffusion Model said, and so forth. Despite the limitations of these two concepts is still something debatable. The model is a term contained in the communication science and always used or interpreted widely. There are no less than three fundamentally different kinds of meanings attached to the term and model. First, the model is used as a substitute for the word stage, the second, the model is used instead of the word strategy, and all three models are often used instead of the word theory.
Simply put, the model is a 'picture' that is designed to represent reality. The model is an imitation of reality. As a clone, the model is not complete, the model only took part of the reality. Another opinion says that the model is a phenomenon, real or abstract, to highlight the most important elements of the phenomenon. The model is clearly not the phenomenon itself. As a means to explain the phenomenon of communication, simplify the model explanation. It's just as well as models to reduce the phenomenon of communication, meaning that there are shades of other communications that may be overlooked and not explained by the model.
The difference between theories and models, the theory is the explanation (explanation), while the model is only a representation (representation). Thus, the communication model can be interpreted as a representation of an event communication. Through communication model can be seen that the factors involved in the communication process. However, the model does not contain an explanation of the relationship and interaction between these factors or elements that are part of the model. The explanation given by the theory. This means that there is a link between theory and model.
This short paper will discuss a simple and at first glance one theory of many theories contained in the communication sciences, as well as its use in Islamic communication (Islamic studies in communication or a communication perspective of Islam). Representing the theory in question is the theory of Human Relations Theory. Then, in addition to this there is also a description or coupled with a simple study of communication and dakwah.

B. Human Relations Theory
Human Relations Theory is a theory advanced by Elton Mayo. This theory includes a major discovery in the early 1950's. Aware of the importance of human relations theory of social needs, which emphasizes economic or human rationality. This theory was pioneered new study in the field of group dynamics/community, where attention was focused not only on individuals, but also on the process and the dynamics of society[1].It suggests that the interaction that occurs in the fellow is based on various factors, such as imitation, suggestion, identification, sympathy, motivation, and empathy[2]. Those factors can move individually in isolation or inter-related.
1. Imitation
Imitation is an act of imitating the attitude, behavior, or appearance of others. This action was first man in the family by imitating the habits of other family members, especially parents. Imitation will continue to expand to a wider audience, the public. Today the process of imitation in society more quickly with the development of mass media, such as television and radio. In social interaction, imitation can be positive, if push a person to comply with the norms and values ​​that apply in order to create harmony and social order. However, imitation can also be a negative effect, if it is modeled on deviant behaviors. As a result, a variety of social deviation occurs in the community that can weaken the joints of social and cultural life. Imitation overload can weaken even turn off the power of human creativity[3].
2. Suggestion
Suggestion is a way of giving a view or influence by one person to another in a certain way, so that people will follow the views or influence without thinking critically and rationally. Suggestion is because the party receiving the recommendation was moved emotionally and usually emotions inhibit rational thinking power. Suggestion is generally done from authoritative persons, having the authoritarian nature, or the majority in society. It can also be done by parents or adults to children, as well as ads in various media. For example, a pediatrician who persuade or influence a patient to take medication in order to quickly recover[4].
3. Identification
Identification is a tendency or desire in a person to be 'equal' with other people who became his idol. Identification is a further form of imitation and suggestion. With the identification of a person trying to put ourselves in the positions of others, or 'identify' himself with others. This identification process is not simply imitate the behavior, even accept the beliefs and values ​​of others into their own beliefs and values. Thus, the identification process can shape one's personality.
How to identify last? The identification process takes place in a situation where someone who really knows the identification of others who become hero or idol, either directly or indirectly (via television). For example, a teenager who changed her appearance, ranging from how to dress, how to talk, and according to the artist's hairstyle idol. He identified himself with the artist.
4. Sympathy
Sympathy is feeling 'attracted' that arise in oneself and the ability to feel as though we are in a state of others. Sympathy can be delivered to a person, group, or institution. In sympathy someone come late to feel what had happened, conducted, and sustained by others. For example, we are sad to see the suffering of our brothers and sisters affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Aceh, West Sumatra, Pangandaran, Tasikmalaya, West Java[5].
5. Motivation
Motivation is an impulse, stimulus, influence exerted by individuals to other individuals, so that individuals be motivated to obey or carry out what is given it critically, rationally, and with a sense of responsibility. Motivation can also be given by an individual to group, group to group, or even a group of individuals. For example to motivate student learning, a teacher gives assignments related to the material that was presented.
6. Empathy
Empathy is one's mental processes to dissolve in other people's feelings, both joy and sorrow. For example, if you see the old friend died. You certainly to feel the pain and sorrow of friends.As if you also feel the loss as perceived by your friends[6].
In view of the level of theory, there are several alternatives that may be used as one portion in comprehend communication behavior in society, the first social reality and how we understand our social world. Behavior and objects are social constructions, as it relies on humans to make significant behavior and object, as a mere social objects that have meaning for the object of a collective human action or demands. Objective refers to the view that the object - the object, behavior - behavior, and perisitiwa - events exist in society. Whereas opinion suggests that reality itself is a social construction.
Second, the organization. In a typical organization is considered as a noun, while the "organizer" is considered as a verb. We can understand human organizations through a set of similarity principles used to understand the machine. One's understanding of the organization depends on the assumption - the assumption that person about the reality or the world. Third, human nature. The survival of an organization depends on its ability to adapt to the environment as well as human nature. Because the organization has a structure and environment that are important to match them, so adaptive maximum progress[7].

C. Application Human Relations theoryin Islamic Communication or Dakwah
Based analize above, then if you want to apply in the field of dakwah should be analytical and critical attention to the elements of dakwah, especially in this communicator (da `i) and messages. In accordance with the human relations theory, then a communicator should know, understand and can adapt to the tastes of the market, so that its presence can be accepted even needed by the community, for example in the context of dakwahbil verbal (lecture) when dealing with people who want a communicator can make a joke, the cleric should be good at it. Similarly, messages or materials delivered dakwah. The selection of messages or dakwah materials should be emphasized to the interests of the market (market oriented), which according to the taste or the demands of the market. Therefore, a communicator need to know what they think, need and want. It required a more in-depth introduction to the mad `u (communicant) from various aspects, such as geographic, demographic and psychological conditions. Submission of preaching messages that are not based on the consideration of community needs, according to this theory, the community will ignore it and they will switch to another message more attractive and can give satisfaction to them.
Based on the exposure to the above mentioned how Islam sees the interaction between people, as Allah says: "Those who believe that real brothers. Therefore make peace (mend relations) between the two brothers and fear of God, that ye may obtain mercy. " (Al-Hujuraat 10). In line with this the Messenger of Allah said:
"The likeness of the believers in compassion, mutual love-menyinta and social call is like a body that when one individual has the disease, the whole body feels the suffering of participated and literacy" (al-Hadith ).

Such interactions among Muslims based on brotherhood, sympathy and compassion, while the interaction between the Muslims with other peoples is the relationship introductions, mutual help and justice. In this regard Allah says:
"O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female and made you a nation - peoples and tribes that ye may know each other-knowing. Verily the most honorable of you with Allah is the most pious among you. "(Al-Hujuraat 13).
Further Allah says about the attitude to be taken by Muslims against people of other faiths as follows:
"Allah does not forbid you to be kind and fair Applicable to those who fight you not for religion and not (also) drive you of the country. Truly Allah loves those who apply fair. "(Al-Mumtahanah 8).

Departing from various conditions as described above, the authors understand the interaction between people is not limited to matters of interest only because of, but rather than keeping the universal human dignity and status as a single entity, the Muslims put the rules that will keep the essence of humanity The relationships between individuals or between groups, namely: Mutual respect and honor, Spread love, Justice, Equality, Equal treatment, true to virtue, freedom (freedom), tolerant and tolerance (Tasamuh), keeping promises, mutual please help, keep their promises.
1. Mutual respect and honor. As God has been glorified humanity, a necessity of every human being to respect and honor, regardless of race, color, language, and his descendants. Islam teaches us to respect even though humans have become a corpse. It was narrated that the Prophet Muhammad stood humility to respect the body of a Jew. Then someone said: "O Messenger of Allah, he indeed Jewish body". The Prophet SAW said: "Is not he too is a soul? '. (Narrated by Imam Muslim).
2. Spread the love saying, This is an exploration of the message of Islam as a doctrine intact, because he came as a blessing for the whole universe. Then the Prophet said: "It will not be released unless the affections of the people who despised".
3. Justice, and the whole doctrine of divine shari'ah woke up on the fairness and balance. Then the company became a major component of the justice major sya'riat the Prophets and Apostles. And in the last sya'riat Islam, the idea of ​​justice more detailed and robust. Justice is a necessity at a time when safe even in a state of war though[8]. And to be fair to Islam makes the enemy as being closer to taqwa (Surat Al-Maidah: 8). To realize this, Islam is not just told to do justice, but also forbids injustice and forbade him very hard.
4. Equation, this principle is a branch of the pole before the justice. The equation is emphasized especially before the law. Factors that differentiate between one person to another is piety and righteous deeds, (faith and science). (Surat al-Hujurat: 13).
5. Equal treatment, the general rules concerning both individuals and groups requires the same treatment or better. Reciprocate a favor by virtue of the same or better are the demands of each community that wants harmonious relations among its members. Then Allah determines it is in one of his word (Surat al-Isra: 7).
6. Sticking to virtue, principle is often expressed with taqwa, charity and worship in many places in the Qur'an. (in Surah Al-Baqarah: 177 and 194, Al-Mukminun: 96, Fushshilat: 34). And among phenomena adhere to virtue; prostrate, forgiving, tolerant, patient, soft hands, and helping others. And the most obvious and visible once the favor is a reply to a crime with a better (Surah Fushshilat: 34).
7. Freedom (freedom), the principle is clear how God glorifies man and respect his will, his thoughts and feelings and let it determine its own destiny anything related to guidance and misguidance in confidence, and charge him due to his actions and muhasabah him. Meaning not only the freedom to break away from all the provisions and bond due lusts, so that someone could be violating the rights of others[9]. If that is the case what happens is chaos and destruction. So Shaykh Muhammad Abu Zahrah said: "Verily, the essential freedom starts with freeing the soul and passion to follow lust and make it subject to the mind and heart". Moreover, to make a god of lust (Surat al-Jathiyah: 23).
8. Tolerant and tolerance (Tasamuh), has been much talk of tolerance that makes it slightly deviates from the true meaning. Actually, the meaning is Tasamuh tolerate the beliefs of others, their opinions and their deeds even though contrary to the beliefs and vanity in the eyes, and should not be attacked, and denounce the reproach that make people sick and tormented feelings, and should not be use coercive means to get them out or ban them from expressing their opinions or do their deeds-deeds[10]. And this rule is contained in many verses of the Qur'an such as, "And do not you denounce those who pray to other than Allah, that they denounce God with enmity without knowledge. Thus we decorate for every people their deeds, then He informs what they do ". (Surat al-An'am: 108)
9. Helping each other, the social character of human beings, because no one is able to live alone, without associating with his brother. With bermuamalah between man's use and usability will be perfect. There's a lot of needs that an individual will not be able to fulfill themselves. Even Islam does not merely endorse this principle as a principle in human relationships, but further Islam determines that the servant forever dependent on the help of God Almighty, he admits it or not admit it[11]. And Islam is linking aid to helping each other among their servants. Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "And God is always helping someone for the person always helping his brother". (Narrated by Muslim).
10. Keeping promises, keeping promises cover all the promise of a good thing. She is a guarantee for the continuity of the element of trust between people helping each other. If it is missing from the public, then maybe people will be destroyed and damaged. Break a promise is a sign of hypocrisy[12]. The Prophet SAW said: "The sign of a hypocrite are three: when he speaks lies, when he promises to break and when it was given the mandate he was betrayed".(Narrated by Muslim).

D. Communication Relationship with Islamic Communication or Dakwah
According to BahriGhazali that the communication and dakwah activities of parallelism are filling and the contents are mutually complementary to each other. The existence of a communication event possible all missionary activities, as well as drift `wah means also implemented communication tasks. Therefore it can be said that the relationship of communication and dakwah is a causal relationship, meaning that the more often implemented more stable means of communication is also dakwah. Vice versa that preaching is a means of communication activities more intense missionary activity would result in a meaningful communication as well. Then the other side of the parallel of both activities is that they have the media as a means to convey the material. While the missionary activity is essentially in terms of communication in particular[13].
TotoTasmara argued that the mission is none other than communication, but communication is typical. That is dakwah and communication have the same goal, which is expecting the participation of the communicant to act and do something to be desired as a communicator in accordance with the contents of the message. What makes it distinctive is that the desired change occurred in accordance with the teachings of Islam. On that basis, the mission is a process of communication, but not all of the communication process is a process of dakwah[14].
Anwar Arifin said that the mission and the communication has been linked and can not be separated. Propagation can be one form of human communication, and instead preaching can be a source of moral ethics and communication, both as a science, as well as social activities. He also mentioned that in the study of communication, dakwah is communication, although not all communication is dakwah. But all kinds of communication that promotes goodness and virtue and prevent the unjust (lies, slander, manipulation, pornography and sensation and dakwah and agitation) can be called dakwah. That's the communication that promotes truth, decency and fairness or communication which always refers to the ethical, moral and religious universally applicable in accordance with their conscience and human nature in order to raise the dignity of man, has been referred to in line with dakwah[15]. Dakwah is communication, so that preach the same as communicating. However, communication is not just dakwah, so communicating is not necessarily preaching. Thus communication has a broader scope than dakwah. However, the mission can contribute to many fields of communication in the form of ethics and morals, so pay attention to truth, justice and kindness[16].
SaefulAsepMuhtadi said that communication and dakwah is different, although a common object, namely human activity. However, these two disciplines can be mutually contribute, as well as other disciplines that can also contribute to each other. Perspective communication is used to see the other side missionary activity that is expected to provide scientific contributions to the development of mission concepts on the one hand, and the enrichment of communication concepts on the other[17].

E. DakwahCommunication orIslamic Communication
According to GhazaliBahri, dakwah communications is communicative nature of missionary activities, the delivery attempt teachings of Islam to the community for the community to have an understanding of Islam and eventually the teachings of Islam in the activities of their daily lives. From the aspect of science, science communication is a science mission that discuss the principles of Islam submission to the community so that people have the understanding and behavior of Islam[18]. Meanwhile, according to BambangS.Ma `arif, mission communications is a rhetorical (persuasive) by the communicator (dai) to disseminate messages loaded with religious values, either in the form of verbal or nonverbal, told worshipers to gain favor in dunian and in Hereafter[19].
Communication in the perspective of Islam can be seen through two different approaches, namely communication and communication Islamic Islam. Islam is a system of communication Muslims. This simple notion suggests that Islam is more focused on the communication system with the background philosophy (theory) that are different from non-Islamic communication perspective. In other words, the communication system of Islam is based on the Qur'an and Hadith. Of course, philosophy or theory on which the communication system of Islam has certain implications for the meaning of the communication, communication ethics, and so on[20]. The same opinion suggests that communication is the process of conveying Islam or exchange mission and declaration of the principles and kaedah contained in the Qur'an and Hadith[21]. Islamic Communication focuses on communication theories developed by Muslim thinkers. Its goal is to make communication Ultimate Islam as an alternative communication, especially in upholding human values corresponding to the creation of human nature are. Suitability values communication with the humanitarian dimension of the creation of nature are beneficial to the universal human welfare.
Based on the above opinion is clear that the communications payload contains the message of Islam, namely how to communicate and implement the values of Islam which is based on the Qur'an and Hadith in various aspects of human life, or in other words, Islam is that communication that is bound to the specific message propagation, because the Qur'an and Hadith a guidance for mankind in a life and living well in this world and in the hereafter. Then, in addition to communications Islam, there is also an express term or other terms that Islamic communication can briefly define the Islamic communication is the process of delivering messages between people based on Islamic teachings. This understanding suggests that communication is a way of communicating that Islamic is Islamic (not against the teachings of Islam). And may also be argued that communications Islami is the implementation (how to implement) islamic communications[22].
The applicative instance if it is associated with the media, if there is a question that is as a communication scholar of Islam mandated to lead a media organization, how the approach taken to ensure that the media is functioning in accordance with the responsibilities as an Islamic media and also does not conflict with the social system cultural, economic and political communities. So the answer of course is the appropriate approach to the teachings of Islam. That may be a communication approach Islam or Islamic communication. So, how exactly is the notion of Islamic media. According to Aslam Abdullah, the Islamic media is a field of study that is not easily assessed. There is no exact definition of the Islamic media. But as a rough guideline commonly used method to determine the elements of content, media ethics and commitment to Islam[23].
In September 1981 in Jakarta, the first International conference of journalists and media workers were attended by about 250 Islamic Muslim journalists from 50 countries. The conference did not provide any definition of the Islamic media, but received approval for media workers Islam. Such approval may be the only document that can be obtained as a guide in making the definition of Islamic media. Approval emphasizes two things. First, the rules of Islamic behavior should be the basis for any Islamic media workers in journalistic activity, and the second is keperibadian Islam. Both of these great emphasis on the consolidation of individual Muslim faith on ethical principles and values of Islam as the primary obligations of Islam media[24].
According AinurRofiqSophian, there are two approaches to explain the meaning of Islamic media. First, a formal approach, which is understood as a medium of Islamic media, published by the Muslims, voiced the aspirations and activities of Muslims. Second, the informal approach. That is the mission of Islamic media judged against itself globally and holistically, rahmatanlilalamin. In this context the Islamic system more measured than the ideals of morality from every walk of life. His form is justice, liberty, equality and democracy[25].
F. Conclusion
In conclusion of this paper can be concluded that in fact Muslims can make a major contribution in the development of communication studies in particular communication relationships with others associated with the review of the policy-making process and the importance of empirical studies in the construction of science communication. However, the dynamic development of the communication and the complexity of the problems faced, and not enough can be seen only with an approach offers. There are many approaches and other theories that are used in studying the complexity of the communication. As a Muslim of course the view from different disciplines can stimulate us to obtain new theories are more rooted in human proportion.


Al Qur’an

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[1]Pace, R. Wayne, ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION Foundations for Human Resource Development, (London : Prentice-Hall International,1983), h. 59
[2]Argyris, Chris, Personality and Organization, (New York : Harper and Brother, 1957), h. 76
[3]Pace, R. Wayne, ibid, h. 65
[4]Herbert A. Simon, "Approaching the Theory of Management."Toward a Unified Theory of Management.Ed. Harold Hontz. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964), h. 89.
[5]Herbert A. Simon, ibid, h. 90
[6] ibid,
[7]Kast, Fremont and James Rosenzweig. "General Systems Theory: Applications for Organization and Management." The Academy of Management Journal.4.15, 1972
[8]Muhammad as Sayyid Yusuf, Manhaj al Qur’an al Karim fi Islah al Mujtama’, Mesir, Dar as Salam, Maktabah al Usrah, 2010
[9]Muhammad as Sayyid Yusuf, Manhaj al Qur’an al Karim fi Islah al Mujtama’, Mesir, Dar as Salam, Maktabah al Usrah, 2010
[10]Muhammad as Sayyid Yusuf, Ibid
[11] Ibid
[12]Muhammad as SayyidYusu, Ibid
[13]BahriGhazali, DakwahKomunikatif, Jakarta: PedomanIlmu Jaya, 1997, hal. 12.
[14]Toto Tasmara, KomunikasiDakwah, (Jakarta: Gaya Media Pratama, 1997), h. 39
[15]Anwar Arifin, DakwahKontemporerSebuahStudiKomunikasi, (Yogyakarta: GrahaIlmu, 2011), h.35.
[16] Anwar Arifin, Ibid, h. Viii
[17]AsepSaefulMuhtadi, KomunikasiDakwah, (Bandung: SimbioseRekatama Media, 2012), h. 7-8.
[18]BahriGhazali, DakwahKomunikatif, hal. 6.
[19]BambangS.Ma`arif, KomunikasiDakwah  Paradigm UntukAksi, (Bandung: SimbiosaRekatama, 2010), h. 34
[20]A. Muis, Komunikasi Islam, (Bandung: RemajaRosdakarya, 2001), h. 65.
[21]Moh.Yusof, KomunikasidanKerohaniandalamPerspektif Islam, Kertaskerjadalam Seminar PenyelidikanKomunikasi, Selangor, September 1993.
[22]A. Muis, Komunikasi Islam, Hal. 66
[23]Aslam Abdullah, “Media Muslim: SekarangdanMasaDepan”, (JurnalKomunikasi; 2005). h. 75-76
[24]Ibid, h. 76
[25]AinurRafiqSophian, Tantangan Media Informasi Islam, (Surabaya: RisalahGusti, 1993), h. 89

1 komentar:

  1. Assalamu Alaikum,

    I just want to correct the "Aya" you quoted in Arabic. The right order of this Aya, number "13", chapter 49, is:

    يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍ وَأُنثَىٰ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ.13/49

    Thank you for the great effort you have excreted here, I need to come back again to study it carefully.

    Jazakum Allahu Khairan
